Today was the first day on the job for me in quite some time. The economy has not been so friendly to me (and a few million others). It was nice to finally come in out of the cold. The new company is really excited to have me and vice-versa. I thought this would be a good time to resurrect a defunct blog since I will have ample substance to post about now.
Today’s topic - That First Day
My last “first day” was 10 years ago. I had forgotten the assimilation process. Today it all occurred at a dizzying pace.
8:30 AM | Meet my new manager |
9:00 AM | Hand off to HR for corporate assimilation. Review policies and benefits and fill out necessary paper work (homework) |
10:00 AM | Engineering meeting I |
11:00 AM | Engineering meeting II |
12:00 PM | Meet up with manager and CEO for corporate overview & lunch |
1:30 PM | Product management team meeting |
3:00 PM | IT review of phone and computer setup |
With the assimilation complete now what? I find myself facing a triple learning curve with this new position:
- New company and their processes
- New product domain
- Finally a new product form (HW - new vs. SW - old).
The big question is what to start on first? I am going after the new product domain.
What would you do or what have you done if you have recently found yourself in a similar position?